Ok so I thought I was pretty lucky with my son. When we took him off the pacifier he did great, when we switched from bottles to sippy cups didn't have any problems, ...
Is anyone familiar with the thudguard helmet for toddlers? It is a helmet for toddlers learning to walk. I am thinking of buying it, my son is 14 months old and learn...
I am currently a teacher and I plan to stay home with my toddler in the fall. I want our time at home to be a structured and educational experience. What do others do...
I'm seeking resources for help with toddlers biting. My grandson is a delightful happy little guy. When he gets frustrated tho he will reach out and bares down with h...
My son is 18 months old and has a slight case of torticollis. He lifts his left should up and tilts his head to the left. We have done physical therapy with little ...
What do you guys think about giving toddlers fast food and pre packaged prepared foods. Do you think it's a good idea or do you try to serve your toddlers healthy cho...
Hi moms, so my son had a physical exam today , he's 17 months, everything looks good and he's doing good except his tiny little feet. Dr said he's got flat feet, does...
Hi Moms,
I'm just wondering about a new trend I've noticed lately, 2-year-olds with their own iPads. I have several friends who have purchased iPads specifically ...
Ok, My 20 month old keeps falling ALL THE TIME - is it the shoes?? DOes anyone know of a good shoe for toddlers - maybe a really bendy one that wouldnt make him trip...
ANyone have any good ideas for good books on raising toddlers? Dicipline, games, etc... My son is 19 months old and it seems as the days go on, he starts to act up m...