How do families cope with a love one deployed to Iraq?
My husband has been gone from home since October 2007 to Iraq it has been very hard for us to cope with our ...
My DH and I BOTH work. I work Part time=3 days a week. We have no debt other than our mortgage (cars paid off, no credit cards) and we have a large savings account.
I have a daycare in my home that I need your help with. I have two wonderful families that are on a pay as you go schedule (both are teachers). The problem is only ...
Does anyone know of a program or business that helps families at Christmastime;(EX:Adopt A Family)? I have been trying to find someone or some orginazation for over a...
I was a classroom teacher for 20 years. I left the classroom about 8 years ago and have been privately tutoring kids after school ever since. Recently, I decided to...
do you have a favorite place to send your donations (clothes, toys, etc)? I usually drop them off at Goodwill, or AM-Vets & Salvation Army do pick-ups. Does anyone ha...
Does anyone have any ideas on how to work out the family thing during the holidays....with the least amount of hurt feelings as possible. How does a married couple ba...
I am in desperate need of newborn diapers, i have him wearing size one diapers and they seem to be bothering my babys umbelical stump. I tried folding them down but i...
My hubby and i are looking to refinance our house. well we ahve gone through a few companies and they say we cant b/c of his pay cut he took this year. a friend told ...
I know that a lot of people are having a very hard time right now, and any help can be a blessing so I thought I would pass this information on. I was told by the won...