My 10 week old granddaughter is an extremely restless and fussy baby. She is constantly kicking and moving and crying or fussing. I am not exaggerating , there is har...
My son won't sleep. He takes a bottle then needs to be upright for about 45mins because of reflux then he falls asleep a half hour or hour before he eats again and t...
I'm new to the mom thing, this is my first baby she is 4 weeks old. She has had really bad congestion tons of mucos in the back of her throat that started a couple of...
Hello all.
Our little girl is now 8 weeks. We have been forumla feeding since week 2 due to complications. We have her on Nestle Goodstart with Omega.
Our pro...
I can't get my daughter to fall asleep by her self in her crib. She's either in her swing (and wakes up right when I turn it off), in her car seat, rocking her in the...
My son is almost 5 months old and started on Stage 1 fruits about 3 weeks ago. We started with pears, then peaches, bananas, applesauce and now we're onto sweet pota...
I am so tired I need help! My daughter is 3 months old and does not hardly sleep! She will catnap about 10-15 mins a day but I can not get her to take a good nap. Get...
I am starting to think I am just missing something when it comes to knowing what my baby needs. This is my first- she is 6.5 months old and has never been on a schedu...
My baby is almost seven months old now, and she *still* wakes to fart. She is breastfed, and to some degree what I eat tends to affect her, but she has been allergy t...
My 4 1/2 month old daughter has a few odd symptoms that her pediatrician dismisses, but I have become more concerned about... She has always been very gassy, never be...