Thanks in advance! My husband and I are flying from NY to LA at the end of the month and bringing our baby boy for his first flight. He will be 2.5 months old then. I...
My daughter is driving me crazy & I don't know what to do. For the month she has been super fussy~ crying & not being easy to handle. She doesn't want to go to any...
My son was born 1/19/07 (he is 9 weeks old now) and he is my first child. I got to spend the normal 6 weeks of maternity leave at home with him. I did NOT hold him ...
Any advise on taking a 3 month old on a 4 hr or so flight (actually with 1 plane change too)? I don't know what we should do with the car seat, or bring toys or what...
My son just turned 3 months old and has been having trouble sleep for the past 10 weeks. The 1st 2 weeks we were home from the hospital he was an angel! He slept all ...
I have a 10 week old baby girl who has great difficulty taking naps during the daytime. She is usually awake from 6am till about 7:30pm,when she crashes after about a...
My four-month old cries when I leave his sight, and refuses to nap by himself. He insists on being held or played with all day! I can't get anything done and I'm af...
I am wondering if you can still have postpartum depression with a four month old. My symptoms just started (crying all the time, lack of appetite, irritability, sleep...
Hi everyone, forgive me as I ramble, but I need nelp fast! I am a mother of a 2 year old and a 14 week old. I also have two jobs and am trying to keep ends meeting!...
i am about to take my 9mth old on a 3hr plane ride. he is super squirmy and super loud. i've heard of giving a kid benadryl, but mine is a baby. is there any safe met...