We've done this alot, and the thing I usually "plan" to do doesn't happen, lol! In general, I do let my little ones stay up later when we are visiting family anyway, because they want to stay up with their older cousins. So, according to their little bodies, they are usually going to bed at the "regular time". Our problem is that they often don't sleep any later in the morning, usually because it's light out, or they hear other people up. What I've needed to do and plan to do on our trip in a few weeks, is to make sure that at least every other day, my kids have quite, downtime, if not a nap in the afternoon. Cuz we always have meltdowns. My older kids are 3 & 5 and they will be having quiet book ready time either on their own or with me as many afternoons as I can swing it. My baby is young enough where he'll sleep whenever and wherever he wants anyway! Good luck!