Well I can only recommend deciding on a specific routine and making her stick to it! I found that for me I wanted my chidren in bed by 8pm so I could have a couple of hours in the evening to myself. A 7:45 AM wake up doesn't really sound excessively early to me -- if you at some point need to work outside the home, you will need her to have an earlier wake up time.
But, ultimately, you need to decide on what works best for your family. Pick a bed time, set up a routine and consistently put her down the same time every night. Don't wait for her to decide when she wants to go down. Also, if she wakes in the night, give a quick cuddle (and feeding if needed) and put her right back down until morning. As far as naptime-- it's the same deal. Pick a consistent time that you want her to nap and put her down then. It's all about creating a consistent routine. I would suggest to put her down right after lunch for a couple of hours. That way, by evening, she'll be tired again and ready for bed.
You will be tired for a couple of weeks implementing a routine, but trust me, it will all be worth it when she's settled in.
Also-- I think it's a bad idea to just let them cry it out as the poster below me suggested. You should at a minimum check on your child and make sure he/she isn't sick or hurt or in need of water or food. But, do keep it very business like and keep it quick.