Separation Anxiety: Toddler, Meijer

6 articles

Separation Anxiety or Temper Tantrum?

E.A. asks from Detroit

My dd will turn 2 in June and her separation anxiety seems to be getting WORSE instead of better. According to all of the articles I read (and many parents I talk to...


Help with My Daughter's Anxiety...

K.W. asks from Detroit

Hi Mom's I have a question about my daughter, she is 9 and she has this issue that has been going on since just before I had my son who is almost 5. A little history...


Trouble with Babysitters and Toddler

A.M. asks from Huntington

Well, here's the deal. We have a 20 month old son and whenever we leave him with my parents or my husbands parents he's fine, but if I leave him with anyone else he t...


New Dog

C. asks from Chicago

Hi, Well we just lost our 8 year old beagle just over two weeks ago due to a illness and we got a call Thursday from my brother who is looking for a new home for t...


When to Try a Sippy Cup

M.N. asks from Cleveland

My son is almost 8 months old. Still no teeth, but he is gumming the heck out of cheerios, crackers and mashed potatoes. I would like to have him drink something alon...


We Are at Wits End...

L.M. asks from Chicago

Hello, We have a 9 monh old daughter who until the past couple weeks, was a great sleeper. I know it can be a few things. She doesn't have teeth yet, nor can we ...