Health: Infant, Babies 'R' Us

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14 answers

Car Seats After Infant Carseat

Hi, Our 10 mo (soon to be 11 mo) old son is growing out of his infant car seat and we're looking for a next one. However, I'm a bit confused. After the infant car seat, do we move on to a "convertible" car seat? Why are these car seats named "convertible"? Do they serve two functions? Or does it mean it can serve as an infant car seat and a toddler car seat, and if we used a separate infant car seat, we'll be wasting money on one function that we will not use? If that's the case, is there another kind of car seats that starts at where...


Infant Bed for Travel

My husband and I are planning some weekend trips this summer with our almost...

Diapers & Diaper Changing

See all 281 articles
72 answers

Public Restroom Diaper Changing W/o Counter

My daughter's asking for any/all ideas for diaper-changing an infant in a public restroom if there is no area provided and no flat surface other than the floor. She and her husband just returned from their first weekend out-of-town with their 8-month-old daughter. It was a surprise, and very difficult, to find so many restaurants with nowhere to change the baby. Ideas that have worked for you?

Sleeping Habits

See all 472 articles
7 answers

Babies R Us or BuyBuy Baby

What store do you like better? What store is most helpful when it comes to Breastfeeding? Or do you go somewhere else


Baby Video Monitor

Can any of you recommend a good quality baby video monitor? I have looked...