Both of my daughters have cracks in the corners of their mouths. Every online site I go to has a link to a home remedy that requires a $69 "donation". Does anyone h...
My daughter is 9. Since about the age of 7, she refused to wear jeans. She said they made her bottom feel dry or itchy, and sometimes she just said they felt weird....
All my boys once the weather changed to cold are constantly licking their lips and making this large red ring around their mouth and the skin is craked and red. I lat...
I picked up my son from the babysitter's today, and when we got home I gave him his daily snack; today it was strawberries. When I was wiping his face afterwards, the...
HELP! My daughter gets HORRID diaper rash when she teeths. (My sister and I both had this problem as well, per my mom) One poppy diaper can literally eat her skin and...
So ladies, what OTC eczema lotions/creams/moisturizers have worked well for day-to-day maintenance/prevention of mild eczema in children? I am looking SPECIFICALLY f...
My 17 month old had a bath at grandma's house this morning and when she returned him to me he had an awful raised rash all over his arms legs and trunk. I have alway...
Okay so Rylin had a very slight fever about 4 days ago,and she wouldnt eat. In the middle of the night,she woke up throwing up. She was throwing up for about 2 days,p...
My 2 month old has VERY dry skin. It's gotten worse over the past 2 days. It's extremely red and flaking all over his back, neck and stomach. He actually screams when...
my 2 year old has very dry skin like i do. its really hard in the winter on me i use lotion and i do fine. i use baby lotion on my daughter after each bath and in the...