My 10 week old granddaughter is an extremely restless and fussy baby. She is constantly kicking and moving and crying or fussing. I am not exaggerating , there is har...
My son had his 9 month old checkup yesterday and the DR recommended we start him on formula right away. James has been exclusively breastfed all his life, then starte...
ok, i feel terrible because my 12 wk old seems to cry ALL the the car, on walks,in stores,during tummy time, changing of the diaper...I only have a few wks ...
My son just turned 1 about a week ago, and he will not drink milk.. well Chocolate milk he will, and juice, and he used to drink water but now he won't have anything ...
Help! I'm grandma, and in my day we called it "colic". My 7 week old granddaughter sleeps as you'd expect (with two feedings) during the night, but when she's awake...
my 7 wk old girl has what i believe to be seborrheic dermititus. i came to this conclusion after seeing a rash on her face (cheeks/nose/ears) for 2 wks now. i initial...
Hi there. I am a new mom.
My baby is 4 weeks old, and taking care of him has become quite stressful for me.
The first thing is that he doesn't sleep during the da...