My youngest is in 2nd grade and is a little bit behind in her reading. She's reading at a 1st grade level. She's in a Title 1 reading program at school, we subscrib...
Another teacher in my son's grade (2nd) lost her spouse last week. I don't know if he'd been ill or if it was unexpected. My son doesn't have this teacher for any o...
I was just finishing a detailed post a minute ago, clicked accidentally on something, and now my post disappeared.
Here's the micro version: I would be grateful if...
My daughter is almost 9 now and my husband and I feel that maybe we need to have a more indepth discussion about where babies come from or at least discuss a few more...
Now that we've all established that we are addicted to this site, are there any others you feel compelled to check? I pull up Google News everyday and check the us, ...
So, in Florida, the state mandated cap on class size is 18 kids for Kindergarten. My daughter's class has had 22 kids since school started and just got another girl ...
Have any of you been through couples/marriage counseling?? If so, how has the experience been for you? We have started going (been to 4 or 5 sessions now) and I have ...
Okay I hate my son's new school! I know I have no choice but to leave him in there but I hate it!! First it was the bathroom break issue and now I swear the teacher...