I follow the "Babywise" method/schedule and it has gone VERY well. My five month old rarely sleeps thru the night but he usually wakes up only once at about 6am, has ...
My daugther is 10 months and she has been teething for a while now, I have tryed teething rings, orajel, frozen wash rags, anything hard to chew on for a while. I hav...
Hello Ladies! My just about 13month old is teething really badly. He is getting his two bottom eye teeth? and is miserable. I have been giving him tylenol occasionall...
My 5 month old has been teething something fierce for the past few weeks with no teeth in yet. I've given him Triaminic but it tends to make him gassy (any idea why?)...
This seems crazy but he is drooling and sucking on his hands, and crying terribly. His sleep the last 2 nights has been awful. He does not have a fever. Could this...
Within the last few weeks my twin boys have started drooling a lot and chewing on their fingers. The last few days they have started trying to stick their whole hand...
I have a 6 month old who is teething, his teeth has not come through the gums yet but you can see the two bumps on his bottom front teeth. He has been on f...
This site was so helpful that I decided to seek advice once again however this time it is regarding my sons "teething". Just seeking some tips for teething. So far I ...
The past two nights my 2-year-old daughter has woken up crying/screaming almost every hour. She doesn't have a fever and no other symptoms except constant drooling, I...