Hi J.:
Your twins could be pre-teething, but the average age when the first teeth come in is 6 months. In addition, many babies do not have teeth come in until as late as 12 months.
Self-gagging (sticking the hand in the mouth/throat) is often a sign a reflux. You should take your boys in to see their pediatrician. They could have silent reflux that comes up to the hypopharynx or mid throat, but not out. It could be irritating their esophagus or food pipe, which is why babies often self-gag. For other signs of infant reflux, go to www.infantrefluxdisease.com. This website has good, straightforward information for parents. I treat more multiples for reflux than singletons. They seem to be more prone to it, but it can be treated many different ways. Questions to ask yourself would be:
1. Do they sneeze frequently after feedings?
2. Do they have dry coughs occasionally?
3. Are they poor nappers and take "cat naps" during the day?
4. Do they sound congested during and after drinking, or frequently?
5. Do they move around in their sleep quite a bit?
If you answered yes to most of these questions, talk to your pediatrician.
R. Elkin, MOT, OTR/L, CKT