my husband sucked hi

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Closing Vents?

D.K. asks from Denver

Hi there, I finally sucked it up and had to turn on the heat. After having the furnace/ac off for over a month and loving the low bill! :) Since it is getting dow...


6Mo Son Has Had Congested Cough for Months

C.S. asks from Tulsa

Hi, my now 6 month old son has this congested cough that he has been carrying for a couple months. I've gon through the nebulizer, donatussing, otc remedies, and we ...


Need Some Help/advice for Getting Tubes Tied

R.M. asks from San Diego

I have had problems with my periods ever since my daughter was born in Feb of 07. I cannot stay regular and I'm always heavy. For a while it was week on week off an...


On Being the Third Wheel in a Dysfunctional Family...

J.G. asks from Minneapolis

There are a million ways to start this post/question...way more background or history than I could ever hope to give in this tiny space of the web...I promise I won't...


Bottle Feeding

S.N. asks from Detroit

My 7 month old daughter will not take a bottle! I am forced to return to work for financial reason however weening my daughter from the breast isn't going over very ...


Mom, Prego, and Working!

K.R. asks from Chicago

Hey Mommies! I was wondering if anyone else had ever gone through this. I am a mom to a 6 month old boy and 6 weeks prego. I also work 4 days a weeks as a server at a...


Feeling Stressed & Overwhelmed as a Mom of a Big Family

L.C. asks from Seattle

Hi there. I am writing in great need to some support and encouragement in my role as a mom. I have been finding myself lately in a place emotionally that I have nev...


Help My 5 Year Old Snugglebug Is Too Snuggly!

L.M. asks from Burlington

Hi All this is my 1st post so bare with me. Ok my daughter Kate is 5. She has always been very touchy feely. I breastfed her for 9 months. I always thought thats why ...


Breastmilk Taste and Smell???

T.F. asks from San Diego

I have a 12 week old baby girl. She is BF exclusively. When she was younger we gave her a few bottles of formula when she sucked me dry but not since. I have a pump b...


Help with 2 Disrepectful Daughters--nothing Seems to Work

W.B. asks from Houston

Dear Moms----Please HELP. I have a 12 yr old & 14 yr old. They are beautiful girls who make good grades in school. The problem is, they have gotten so rude & disre...

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  • la leche league in 2 answers "contact your local La Leche League can find it by going to ..."
  • tying your tubes in 4 answers "I would definitely talk more with your doctor, because tying your tubes might not ..."
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  • post partum depression in 2 answers "... if you could have pregnancy-induced depression. (Like Post-partum depression ..."