has anyone purchased the Huffy 12" bike for their child? toys r us has a sale on the Cars bike and the reviews look pretty good on their website. However, when i lo...
My 5 year old recently had his cholesterol checked at his 5 year check up because my husband has high cholesterol. His Total = 196
HDL = 39
TRG = 151 (Trigcylerides...
im just wondering how all of the rest of you have made, or not made, the decision how many children to have. we have two children, a five year old girl and a one year...
I don't cook. If I can microwave it - I'm happy. However, I don't want to burden my daughter with an inability to cook and don't want to teach her bad eating habits...
My husband and I were talking about Christmas last night and he said he wants to get our daughter her own laptop. I said, yeah MAYBE she can have a laptop when she's ...
My daughter (almost 4) has had a cough for over 2 weeks, mostly at night and in the morning. Seems to be caused by post nasal drip. She sleeps w/ a vaporizer in her...
I have a daugher who just turned 4 and at just about EVERY meal we sit her down, shes excited to eat because its what she wanted to eat and she gets one bit in her mo...
My co-worker wrote these blog posts (http://uvahealth.com/blog/index.php/2012/02/03/get-your-kids-to-eat-better-16-tips-to-try-day-two/) where she interviewed a regis...
My sons first birthday is this May and I have no idea what kinds of activities to plan for the kids. I am brand new to planning kids parties.I really did not want to ...