Hi guys, you have all been so supportive and helpful recently and I can't thank you all enough for it. And here is an incredibly specific question. I'm recently pregn...
Does anyone have an experience in maintaining same doctor while relocating
to different county?
A relative moved from San Francisco to San Mateo country and she i...
Hi Moms,
This is my first time to post and I really hope you all can help me find some answers.
On June 6th my 5yr. old son had a headache at lunch, followed by th...
I am 27 weeks pregnant, after my 21 week ultrasound I was called back to to another at 26 wk 5 days and review both the same day. The doc. Said the 21 wk us showed t...
I am not happy with my current pediatrician. I recently took my 3 year old to his well check-up. We waited for 45 minutes to see the doctor and when the doctor arri...
My daughter and I are new to the Fishers area and we are looking for basically everything: Pediatrician, Pediatric Dentist, OB/GYN, Dentist, Orthodontist, Eye Doctor.
I've been battling nail fungus on a few toes for a few years. At first I have tried Naftin and then Formula 3. This past winter, I was extremely diligent about appl...
I just found out that I have cervical cancer. I see my oncologist on the 29th and I guess he'll tell me what I have to do or if there is further testing, I don't kno...
So my husband broke his foot and needs to have surgery asap. No getting around it. Does anyone have any ideas for me? We had our application in with ma/mncare since t...
I am thinking of hiring a doula to assist with the labor and delivery of our second baby. I have a reputable doula service picked out and they have sent me their con...