Try using Monostat - for yeast infections. I used the cream on my toes for a month and the fungus was gone.
I've been battling nail fungus on a few toes for a few years. At first I have tried Naftin and then Formula 3. This past winter, I was extremely diligent about applying a topical nail solution (Ciclopirox) and also did laser treatment. No luck...still have it.
I am ready to throw everything I can at it and combine treatments, throw some natural remedies in there, whatever. I am breastfeeding so I cannot do Lamisil, and regardless I really don't like how heavy-duty it is to the body. I also have thought of seeing a naturopath to get a more whole-body review of what's making this thrive. Anyhow...I really would like to know what has worked for you/your family. Thanks!
Try using Monostat - for yeast infections. I used the cream on my toes for a month and the fungus was gone.
Straight white vinegar.
Most fungi prefer alkaline environments. Since vinegar is a mild acid, it kills fungi.
Try using vinegar on your affected toes multiple times a day. Put it into a spray bottle so it's easier to apply. Have no clue if it'll help but I figure in the end it can't hurt, can it? According to what I've been told via my doc the fungus cannot handle the acidity of the vinegar.
You can try vics vapo rub or apple cider vinegar soaks...I did for years because there was no generic for lamisil at that time and it was not covered by insurance. As soon as the generic came out I did a course of lamisil. It works beautifully. Your doctor will have you take bloodtests to check your liver values. Because toe nails grow so slowly, you will be done with breastfeeding before a home remedy will work. I would just wait until you are done BF and get the lamisil. It really is the only thing that works.
You can try TEA TREE Oil, it's a natural anti-fungal. You can get it at most health food stores. Put a small amount on a cotton ball and try to left the nail just enough to get a portion of the cotton ball under the nail, if you can't try a Q tip and rub the oil under the edge of your nail, it make take a while but, it should improve ! There is no gurantee as stated before , but it doesn't hurt to try. As a last resort you can try having the nail removed, treating the fungus head on, but,the problem is the nail might not grow back like it was before,.... Just a few other options. C. S.
My aunt has an issue with fungus and she regularly soaks her feet in vinegar. She swears by it.
If you've tried everything topical, I think you might need to look at a systemic approach. There are some things you can do that are very safe while pregnant or breastfeeding. Something's off with your body's balance so you really need to add more comprehensive nutrients. You can spend a lot with a naturopath if you want but there's a lot more fully researched information available that would probably be more direct an approach. If you're in Chicago, there are some free seminars coming up that might interest you.
I saw a dermatologist and was told you really cannot guarantee getting rid of it, even w laser.
I saw a dermatologist and was told you really cannot guarantee getting rid of it, even w laser.
VICKS VAPOUR RUB works!!! It takes a while but you have to be diligent and apply it every night. Your nail grows back like that of a brand new baby.
A friend of mine with bad nail fungus found success when he used a combo of vinegar foot soaks and applied tea tree oil.
I had nail fungus for almost 15 years on two of my toenails. I tried all those things and nothing worked. Finally, when I was done having kids and we moved, my new doctor had me take the prescription medicine and now it's gone! Halleluyah! I had to take it for 3 months and then take a 2nd dose for 2 months. It's totally gone...it has been a year. I tried all kinds of natural remedies over the years and nothing worked.
One of my coworkers was able to get rid of hers using listerine. She said the only problem was that it turned her toenails blue.
My in laws swear by vinegar too. They spray it on with a spray bottle daily and let dry.
However, I happened to be at the doctor's office and saw a flyer for some new laser treatment (not sure if it is the one you tried or not). It is costly though. Here is a link for it:
I know it's a pain. My hubby has it too and tried the oral route and it did nothing. He hates the smell of vinegar, so that is out. Please let us know what worked for you. Good luck!
I have lost two toe nails to injury (broken toe, running). Each time, unbeknownst to me, the nail would loosen and fungus would develop under the nail. I have used Campho-Phenique 2-3x daily applied with a cotton ball and it has gone away. I would see results in a week and it would be gone with in a month or two as long as I did it regularly. The nails have grown back and look normal.
I think Campho-Phenique has tea tree oil in it, and you can find it in the first aid aisle. Good luck!
Hi, A.,
I went the (oral) Lamisil route probably 12 or so years ago, and it cleared up the problem quite nicely. I, too, was hesitant, because I had read about how "heavy-duty" it is to the body. If you try other routes and are still unable to kick it, then you may have to eventually got this route after you have stopped BF.
With that said, I have heard and read about Vicks Vapor Rub being used to treat nail fungus. I have not personally tried it, but have known other people with persistent problems who have been very impressed. I would think that this would be safe while you are BF. It might be something to look into!
Good luck!
Vicks VapoRub, I heard, is great at getting rid of nail fungus. A doctor I was seeing told me his wife used it with great results. Can't hurt to give it a try. Wishing you the best.
There is a laser treatment, which should be fine to do while breastfeeding