Is this an Oh no, call the OB ASAP moment? Or more along the lines of just one of those things, some people get it, etc.?
At this rate, I'm like, menopause, whoo ...
I normally take my BCPs straight through, skipping the placebo week (on the advice of my doctor), but every few months do the fake period week. That was just over a w...
Hey. Quick question for everyone. My husband and I decided to start trying for our third baby a couple months ago. My had no problem getting pregnant with our first t...
It is time to get my Mirena replaced. I found out that my insurance no longer covers Mirena. The device itself- not including the office visit and insertion is $900...
I have the 2 most beautiful children and we are happy and content with the fact that our family is complete. My youngest is 2 and a bit and my husband kindly took on...
Ok moms I have a question for yall. I started taking loestrin 24 after I had my second child. I had a period every month for four months then they just stopped. I sti...
I wanted to know which birth control you use and why you like or dislike it? I have 2 children and we are looking to have another baby maybe a 1yr or so. I was goin...
here is my question i just gave birth to my second little boy he is 7 weeks old i started to spot yesterday and still do today i thought i would start to b...
Have any of you experienced a decrease in sex drive when you were taking oral bc pills? If so, did you stop them, and did your sex drive increase or return to 'normal?'