My 8 year old grandson has been diaignosed with possible Bi-polar disorder. My son has not really received a diffent diaignose but he is very concerned. They want t...
My daughter goes to a good school, but like all schools, it's not quite perfect. I'm raising my daughter to be a Christian and it happens that she is gifted - verball...
My 7 year old is in 2nd grade and her teacher has "carefully suggested" a trip to the doctors office because she might have ADD. Is there any tips, special questions ...
I have a 12 year old son with A.D.D. he was diagnosed 3 years ago and thing are going o.k. now. But, now we have 2 girls one is 9 and the other is 5. I have been thin...
Although we’ve been having problems on and off for a few years now and knew this would eventually happen, it kind of took me off guard when my husband told me last ...
just wondering if anyone has ever used a natural remedy called focus attention and bright start my child has ADD and being a nurse i do not want to put my son on a do...
I have only girls (ages 6, 12 and 13) and they sometimes see me nude. It seems that I can't shower or get dressed without at least one of them wanting to talk to me. ...
For the past month bedtime has been a nightmare! My daughter will be 3 in January. My son is 19 months old. They share a room. (only have 2 bedrooms) Until recently t...
I'm sorry but I have to get this off my chest. Am I the only 1 that wonders what is going on? I mean, I see alotnof post like, what to do, child hits me, bites me, et...
I am a childcare provider and have had an autistic girl in my care for the last 4.5 months. She's almost normal some of the time. She's sweet some of the time. But...