Can anyone recommend a good cloth diaper that does not require pins? I just tried switching to cloth but I'm afriad of sticking my baby with the pins because he kicks...
My 3 1/2 year old son has been completely potty trained for 6 months and now just started wetting the bed every night. I hate to put him back in pull-ups because he ...
Hi ladies, we are in the process of looking for a new car seat for one of our cars. I read a request and lots of responses a couple days ago about reviews of converti...
My 18 month old nephew was just assessed as having allergies to Corn and Milk. They are going to try to eliminate both from his diet for 3 weeks, then introduce each...
I am planning a trip this summer and with my recent experience without the kids, there was a baby my sons age on the flight that didnt do so well, so I am worried abo...
My baby is 6 weeks old and seems to be awake more than he should. He was awake last night from 7-12:45am and also awake yesterday from 10am-1pm. When he is awake, h...
My seventh month old daughter wakes up soaked every morning. We put her to bed with a clean diaper and she sleeps 12-13 hours at night. By the time she wakes up she...
We are thinking about getting a cat. Where do you recommended getting one? What are some of the costs involved? We have a friend and family member (not in our hous...
I'm very frustrated with breastfeeding. I never had issues with any of the boys; however, I remember supplementing with them. For whatever reason (maybe because she...
We are always trying to save money and I wondered if Luvs diapers actually work. We use Pampers at night since little one sleeps pretty heavy and use what coupons we...