Skin: Infant, Desitin

Results 1-10 from 630 articles

Desitin Makes Her Scream

A.B. asks from Pittsburgh

My daughter (7 mos) is on an antibiotic that the doc told me would probably give her diarrhea...well it did and now her little bottom is all red. I put desitin creamy...


Is Desitin Safe for 2 Week Old?

G.S. asks from Los Angeles

I change my baby's diaper at least 10 times a day, but somehow he seems to be getting a mild diaper rash. Is it safe to use Desitin on a two week old?


Has Anyone Used Desitin for 7Yr Old Girl?

C.L. asks from Los Angeles

Our 7yr old daughter has recently had vaginal irritation & according to the doctors it’s not a UTI or anything wrong inside. She probably scratches herself to hard ...


Diaper Rash! What Do You Do When Desitin Doesn't Work?

K.R. asks from Chicago

Do you have any remedy recommendations for a nasty diaper rash? The skin is broken in the size of a quarter on one little butt cheek, pink everywhere else. My 20 mo...


Desitin Diaper Cream

A.R. asks from Macon

I have used Aveeno diaper cream on my daughter since birth with no problems. But when she got a rash it didnt seem to do much to heal so on rashes I used Destin. Well...


Skin Care

O.S. asks from New York

My daughters' skin is really dry and I am currently using Vasoline which does not really help like I thought it would. Any suggestions on what else I can use?


Smelly Problem

C.L. asks from Yuba City

Okay, there's really no other way to say it, so here goes: my toddler's vaginal area stinks! It smells very acidic, even when clean. At first I thought it was from ...


Rashes and Sensitive Baby Skin

C.K. asks from Birmingham

My 3 month old son has a red rash on his cheeks that he has had since about 1 month old and it comes and goes from day to day. It has only been on his cheeks until ab...


Baby Skin Concern

K.L. asks from Chicago

I have a 14 week old son who's a bit of a chunker. He's got those adorable deep chub creases in unusual places like the middle of his thigh, etc. The problem is tha...


Feeding Problems

C.D. asks from Anchorage

I have been having problems feeding my 3 month old. About 2 weeks ago she started getting so much gas durring feeding(formula...tried to breast feed but it just did n...