Nap & Bedtime: Infant, SwaddleMe

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32 answers

sleep......what Is That?

my five week old son started off life sleeping three to four hours a night. and now it seems he is only sleeping an hour and a half to two hours at a time. also, his father is not very helpful during the night time hours and is away all day, so this leaves me with an around the clock job going on two to three hours of sleep. the baby will not sleep flat on his back, which makes everything even harder. help! what can i do to help the baby sleep longer.


Help! Baby WONT Sleep

My daughter is now about 6 weeks old. Within the last week, she has stopped...

Night Waking & Crying

See all 84 articles
31 answers

Sleeping in the Night

I'm a new mom of an almost 4 week old little boy. we've been trying to train him to learn the difference between day and night since he happens to stay up between 3-5 am. he loves to sleep during the day, which can be frustrating because he wont take full feedings and his long hours of sleep probably keep him up during the night.... any suggestions for this tired mom?

No Cry Sleep Solution

See all 30 articles
28 answers

Help! Baby WONT Sleep

My daughter is now about 6 weeks old. Within the last week, she has stopped going back to sleep after eating at night. She will only sleep if i'm holding her. Even if she falls asleep while holding her and i put her down after 10 minutes or so, she immediately wakes up and cries. I have tried letting her "cry it out", but I'm not sure exactly what the correct way to do it is (how long, how often, etc). I don't want the baby co sleeping b/c i'm just not comfortable with it. Please help me help my baby to sleep without me holding her. Edit...