Nap & Bedtime: Bath Toys

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12 answers

2 Year Old Won't Take Bath Says She Has to Potty All the Time

My 2 year old (26 months old) daughter has been hating bath time for almost 2 months now. We have been working on potty training, but at her pace, and I backed off for a while, just not asking her as often and put her back into diapers. But, she's shown more of an interest again over the past few weeks on wanting to wear underwear and use the potty now. When it's bath time, she constantly cries and says she needs out to potty. I understand that the water makes her have that sensation (since she's more aware of it now because of the...


Help with Eczema

My 6 month old was just diagnosed with eczema and I am trying to get his...


Weaning the Pacifier

My son just turned 15 months old and we are wanting to take the pacifier...