Illnesses & Symptoms: Toddler, Maalox

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10 answers

Home Made Butt Paste Recipes (With Maalox) for Severe Rash~

When my daughter was little, the Dr recommended some concoction for her frequent outbreaks of horrid (bleeding open sores..the whole bit) diaper area rash. Often it was yeast involved as well. It would change from one diaper change to the next. We would do as much cloth diapering as we could when at home, etc and that helped a ton (water only paper towel wipes as well). But I do not remember what the recipe for the Maalox included concoction was and a friend is in need (My child is 16 now, so it was many years ago for me!). Anyone have a...


Coughing and Gaging

When my daughter was born, we were told in the hospital that she had an...

Aches & Pains

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11 answers

Pain Medication for Arthritis? (Dogs)

My dog is a 10 yr old collie mix (we think). He is a bit overweight. Supposed to be 50-55 lbs, is actually more like 60-65 lbs. He was recently (Nov 2007) diagnosed w arthritis and prescribed Glucosamine w Chondritin and also 50 mg Deramaxx (deracoxib) for the pain. He was having trouble walking up/down stairs. We saw an initial improvement but then he started to get worse again, so I moved him to level 2 of the Glucosamine/Chondritin. He showed no improvement on the higher dose. We then ran out of the Deramaxx. Naturally he became crankier...

Cold & Flu

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10 answers

Home Made Butt Paste Recipes (With Maalox) for Severe Rash~

When my daughter was little, the Dr recommended some concoction for her frequent outbreaks of horrid (bleeding open sores..the whole bit) diaper area rash. Often it was yeast involved as well. It would change from one diaper change to the next. We would do as much cloth diapering as we could when at home, etc and that helped a ton (water only paper towel wipes as well). But I do not remember what the recipe for the Maalox included concoction was and a friend is in need (My child is 16 now, so it was many years ago for me!). Anyone have a...


See all 74 articles
15 answers

4 1/2 Month Old Has Been Constipated Since Birth, Tried Just About Everything!

My son has had trouble w/ bowel movements since birth. I've been supplementing with formula since his first week (since my milk never fully came in). On his pediatrician's advice, we've tried milk-based formula, soy, apple juice, pear juice, milk of magnesium, nothing seems to help! Since we changed to soy last week, (again, on the Ped's advice) he's going more frequently, but his BM's are more painful now and even causing a little bleeding. He did really well on Good Start Natural Cultures for a while, then he started getting really...


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53 answers

Causes of Diarrhea

My son just turned one this month. He's awesome, walking and chatting away. However, we are going on 4 days of diarrhea. My poor kid. It started Saturday and shows no signs of letting up. I called his Ped. but since he does not have a fever, is not vomiting, and still has an appatite they said there is really nothing they can do it just has to run it coarse. I don't know what's causing it. Maybe he picked up a bacteria, maybe he's got some back teeth coming in, I dont' know. I've got him on a very bland diet and keeping him hydrated...


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9 answers

2 Year Old with Herpangitis?? Sores in the Mouth with Fever!!!

Oh my gosh I have never had to deal with this before. On saturday our daughter who just turned 2 developed a fever and was very fussy. Well as she was crying I notices three white sores under her lip. We took her to the medical clinic (since it was the weekend) and the doctor said she has Herpangina or Herpangitis?? She said it's not Hand,Foot, and Mouth but I guess it's similar in that it's a virus that causes sores in the mouth with headache and fever. Has anyone been through this? My daughter has had her share of illnesses because...


Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease

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6 answers

Hand, Foot & Mouth Disease

My 2 1/2 year old has come down with Hand Foot & Mouth Disease (similar to chickenpox but not itchy). Most likely picked it up from daycare. The doctor said to only give him Motrin or Tylenol for pain. Since it is a virus, there are no antibotics to give him. I bought Aveeno soothing bath and some Aveen cream to make him feel comfortable. Has anyone else's children has the same disease?? Doctor said this is common in young children and goes away in 10 days.


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10 answers

Home Made Butt Paste Recipes (With Maalox) for Severe Rash~

When my daughter was little, the Dr recommended some concoction for her frequent outbreaks of horrid (bleeding open sores..the whole bit) diaper area rash. Often it was yeast involved as well. It would change from one diaper change to the next. We would do as much cloth diapering as we could when at home, etc and that helped a ton (water only paper towel wipes as well). But I do not remember what the recipe for the Maalox included concoction was and a friend is in need (My child is 16 now, so it was many years ago for me!). Anyone have a...


Is It Eczema?

My 7 month old has been having these dry, rough pinkish places come up like...


Baby with Hives?

Hi. My 5-month-old baby seems to keep getting what looks like Hives. I...

Strep Infections

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21 answers

15 Month Old with Strep Throat

My 15 month old daughter was diagnosed with strep throat this past Friday. She was given a shot of antibiotic Friday afternoon. As of this morning, she is still completely miserable. I have never had strep throat before and she hasn't either so I don't know what to expect as far as how long it takes to start feeling better. Does anyone out there know about when they begin to feel better or if I should be concerned that there is still a problem?


Vomiting with Strep

I posted a question about 3 weeks ago now about my child having strep. Well...