My little girl frequently gets strep. The pediatrician said some children are more prone to getting it. And I know when she gets it because she always vomits at least once and then starts with the high fever. Sometimes one antibiotic will not more and they will have to change it, sometimes more than once before they get one that will work. Strep it very painful. Sometimes just the pain from Strep can make them vomit.
Ask your pediatrician about this mixture before trying it. Everytime my little girl has Strep we are prescibed this along with the antibiotics. Over the counter Maalox (Regular Flavor), and Liquid Benadryl (over the counter, and Lydocaine. There is a prescription for all of this mixed together. It eases the pain of the throat. My doctor all let me know that you can buy the over the counter Benadryl and the Maalox and mix it together without the Lydocaine. This stuff really works. It eases there pain. Ask your pediatrician for the dosage. My little girl's dosage because of her weight was 1/2 tsp of Maalox, 1/2 tsp. Benadryl, mix together and from the mixture, give 1/2 tsp. Ask your doctor for the dosage.