Illnesses & Symptoms: Toddler, Nuby

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7 answers

13 Month Old and Bottles

Hello, my son is 13 months old and I was wondering if anyone had any ideas on how to get him off the bottle? My oldest son went straight to sippy cups AT 12 months, however I have been offering these to my 1 yr old and he wont drink out of them. Should I wait a little while longer and let him stay on the bottle?


10 Month Old

Hey Mama's, My son will be 10 months old next week. He has been taking a...


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24 answers

Help with Weaning (Milk Allergy)

I have a 13 month old daughter who has a milk allergy. She is exclusively breastfed, and never took the bottle (no matter how many times we tried). She does take water out of a cup with a straw. I'd like to wean her. We're limited on formula's due to her milk allergy. We've tried soy formula, peptamen junior (had allergic reaction) and now elecare. She's okay with taking a sip here and there(either a sigg water bottle or a nuby bottle with handles) , but will not drink enough for me to wean her. I don't know what the problem is -...


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46 answers

Almost 9 Month Old with Severe Constipation

Hi, My soon to be 9 month old is severely constipated. This has been going on for about the past month. After no BMs for 5 days, I awoke to him screaming (in pain) this morning. He was pooping. He produced a moderate-large amount of very hard, ball like feces. (Sorry for all of the information). There also was blood....that I assume was caused by fissures. He is breast-fed. I have made a point to give him higher fiber foods. He gets at least two jars of pears or prunes each day. Also I have omitted all bananas. I have...