My daughter is 2, but she is about 31 1/2" tall. We know she is too short for a 12" bike, but I'm wondering how tall is tall enough for these bikes? She always want...
My oldest daughter will be turning 5 on March 10 and she wants a Rapunzel birthday party. I have no problem doing so but I am not sure of how many friends she should...
Hello Moms-My toddler is so excited every time the computer lights up and wants to have the hands-on experience. Are there any websites you use to help educate your t...
How do stay-at-home moms do it? Ok let me be more specific because that was vague. How do stay at home moms not go stir crazy day after day?
My situation: My h...
HELP!!!!!! It's a suprise cruise for my moms cousins birthday and I really want my daughter & her dad to go on the 4-day cruise next year with me but her father think...
My daughter is 22 months old and just the other day tried to climb out of her crib. She might be ready for a toddler bed, but I have a lot going on. My 4 month old is...
All of the sudden, our 22 month old daughter won't stay in her crib. Nap time, sleep time...whatever. She gets out in less than 30 seconds and jumps into our bed. ...
I have a wonderful 19 month old son who is the sun in my sky! We are now expecting our second son and want to use our oldest son's nursery furniture. I was just wonde...
I live in a pretty standard midwestern suburban neighborhood. We had a huge storm during the night so our neighborhood is full of debris, branches, items from yards,...
My son is almost 3 1/2 and still has to have his "binky". He has it in the mornings, nap, and then a lot in the evenings and at bedtime. I have tried to talk to him...