I'm having a baby shower in about a month. I'm having a baby girl and i was looking for games to play. It seems like you always play the same games at showers all the...
My once independent and fearless little boy has suddenly started developing fears. He is scared of certain toys, and images on DVD's (Baby Einstein). He starts cryi...
I have a six month old baby girl who is an extremely good baby but I have a really hard time keeping her entertained. We have an excer-saucer, a swing, a play mat, a ...
My 11 month old baby need alot of attention. I buy her all these fancy educative toys but she likes them for 10 minutes and then she's done with them. I read to her (...
Hi there!
I'm a mom to a 5.5 month old little girl. I'm a teacher with my master's degree in reading and have been an avid reader my wholr life. Having said that, I...
Hello! A friend of mine is having identical twin girls. Her baby shower is this Sunday and I was wondering if anyone had any good ideas on what to get for her. I wo...
I was wondering if anyone has bought a baby signing book, and if they found it helpful. What book(s) would you recommend? Should I buy it or just check it out from th...
I watched a program on TV the other day called "your baby can read". Basically you can buy this program that has movies, books, and notecards that can teach your baby...
I've noticed there seems to be a mass movement to teach baby sign language. My 8 month old knows how to wave, and that's about it. I have tried to start doing the sig...