My daughter is almost 3 and while she brushes daily she still isn't ready for real toothpaste with flouride. We have well water with a low flouride content so she isn...
Could I have some feedback about brushing my daughter's little baby teeth? What is the expectation at this age?? Wiping them with a soft cloth/gauze or small toothbr...
Hi, my 3 year old daughter refuses to use regular toothpaste to brush her teeth. She says it burns. I've tried the kid sparkle kind and she hates it. I'm guessing ...
ok, i knew this day was coming, but now it's here, and i am at a loss!
my 3 yr old daughter had her first dentist appt today. overall she did very well. she did NO...
During pregnancy my husband and I took a birth class where we received a gift bag full of free samples. One of which was a tooth paste that contained fluoride. It wen...
Can anyone tell me when, why, and how is the best way to give up the passi? My son will be two in two weeks and I always said we will be done with the passi before h...
I'm wondering what you do to prevent migraines (if you get them) and once you have one, what do you do to treat it? I'm interested in natural remedies as well as med...
I am trying to coax my two year old son into trying a flinstone vitamin per the ped. orders. I have offered the gummies and the regular tablet w/out success. I have t...
Hi We are moving to Eagen from Dallas Texas. I need info on the following...
Family Dentist
Family Doctor
Piano Teacher
Swim Team
Soccer Leaque