Can anyone recommend a good Toddler car seat. My daughter is not old enough for a booster but is about to outgrow her car seat that she is currently using. I was lo...
My son is getting close to being too tall for his convertible car seat so I am looking into boosters. The problem is that he is only 30# and most boosters start at 4...
I have an almost 2 year old and am due in August with baby #2. I have started researching double strollers and need advice. I am looking for something that is not too...
I'm starting the long process of figuring out which car seat to get next. Everyone has their own opinion of course but was just curious if anyone had good or bad luc...
i have a dilema right now i have to buy 2 toddlers bed for my twins i don't have a lot of cash right now that's why i am buying toddlers bed instead of twin bed .
i ...
I need to buy 2 carseats for my kids. They are both 35 lbs. and about 41". Their current seats are supposed to go up to 43" but they have definatley outgrown them! I'...
Our 3 yr is soon approaching the upper limits of her convertible car seat. Weight limit is 40 lbs. I know the 5 point haraness is supposed to be the best but it's h...
I am considering buying a Cosco Scenera 5 pt. harness carseat for a plane trip I am taking with my 2 1/2 year old. I have googled and read that LOTS of people use th...
Hello, I am trying to do some research on the car seat guidelines etc. The manual information from my infant car seat is contradicting with the manual information fro...