My grandson is 4 1/2 years old. He is not potty trained. It is not that he has any sort of developmental delays just that he does not want to do it. My daughter an...
My almost 2 year old daughter is now ready to start potty training. As far as training pants which is better Pampers Easy Ups or Feel and Learn? I want to use a rew...
I have two girls one is 18 months and the other is a newborn so i have never went through the whole potty training thing. Now some may say she is too young however sh...
I have a 3 1/2 year old little boy. He is completely "pee" trained. I have tried everything and cannot get him to poop in the toilet. My babysitter wants him train...
I have a 3 year old (as of May 2) who is potty trained when it comes to peeing in the toilet. She refuses to go #2 in the toilet! I have talked to some people and the...
My daughter just turned 2 Feb 28..was open to potty training.. we went to the store and she picked out her potty and panties! I was told that when she goes potty to m...
When my daughter turned 17 months, she took a big interest in using the potty. So we figured it was a great time to start potty training. She was very excited and my ...
Hi again! I'm potty training my soon to be 3 year old and she's rather reluctant to go potty. Sometimes she'll go willingly, but most of the time when I tell her it's...
My daughter turned 2 in January. She was doing so well with potty training. She made all of her poo-poos in the potty and almost all of her pee-pees too. But when my ...
We have been potty training for a while now. She knows what she is supposed to do, she almost always poo-poos in the potty but we are having trouble with the pee-pee....