Hi Mamas,
I know that antibiotics will lower the effectiveness of birth control pills, but do you know by how much???? I just realized that I have been on antibiot...
We just moved from Austin. We had our first baby at Austin Area Birthing Center and wanted to have baby # 2 at a birthing center but there aren't any in FW. Has anyon...
I am going to have a C-Section in July and am looking for a care provider. My primary care strongly suggested Beth Israel as the hospital for me to go to and is going...
I've been reading on the news about the TSA and travel procedures. Now, we are trying to get pregnant so there's this uncertainty of whether I will indeed be pregnant...
Anyone want to share stories if your due date is near mine? My due date is June 30th. This will be my third pregnancy. I do have a bit of a concern. I already almost ...
Hello, I have had 3 miscarriages in a row. One at 14 weeks, at 3 weeks, and at 6 weeks. I am pregnant again and have made it to 8 weeks. I have low progesterone an...
I've had three miscarriages and all of them at 6 weeks. One was a day before, the day of and the morning after six weeks. So the furthest we have ever made it in a pr...
Anyone have any positive stories from delivering at Winnie Palmer? I keep hearing how their C section rate is through the roof and I am a little worried with all the ...
I'd like to hear your experience(s) with attempted VBACs. Successes? Horror stories? I cannot find any friends or aquaintances who have had a successful VBAC! Ear...