A favorite magazine subscription, an extra shirt that he might need after the baby spits up on him.lol Fun things that he might enjoy. Good luck. Helpful? ...
I'm looking into ordering some magazine subscriptions. I was wondering what magazines you all get and would recommend and which ones you get and would not recommend....
I would like to give my sis-in-law a magazine subscription as a birthday gift. The only one I personally read is US weekly, so I have no clue what is good these days....
Baby Talk offers free subscriptions to pregnant and new moms. It's a subsidiary of Parenting Magazine, which is also good. Give it a try, it's free! ...
I want to subscribe to another children based magazine. I've had Parents and liked it. But I read a Parenting at the Dr's office. Does anyone have a preference or ...
Another thing I get is Sesame Street magazine. It comes free with a subscription to Parenting (not Parents)magazine. I have been just saving those until she ...
If you're looking for magazine's on parenting, I like both "Parents" and " Parenting. ... Next question: Good Magazine Subscription for a 6 Year Old ...
I'm looking for some interesting parenting books. Just for a perspective. Just wondering if you mom's found any helpful or if parenting books in general are a waste o...
I'm wondering what some of your favorite magazines for pregnancy and/or parenting (babies) are? What about web sites? What did you particularly enjoy reading or find ...