My 8 year old grandson has been diaignosed with possible Bi-polar disorder. My son has not really received a diffent diaignose but he is very concerned. They want t...
My husband and I have decided to retain our 6th grader son. He is young by age, maturity, physically and struggles in school acadimically (he has an IEP). He is a v...
Wow! There is this buzz among moms now about getting into the right district and lotteries and immersion schools and all sorts of stuff. My son is almost 3 and I've...
So since she was small almost 3 I had concerns or speculations there was something different about MY baby, now every year I express those same concerns with her teac...
I have a one year old daughter that loves being outdoors and in the water. I’m constantly having to lather her up with sunscreen and while at the local pool the ot...
My daughter had open heart surgery a few months ago. At her last check-up she did great and didn't have any anxiety. I have taken her to the dentist 3 times before (j...
I was told yesterday that I have Hypothyroid and given a prescription. I've never been on any medication and really would like to treat it naturally if possible. An...
My 16-year-old daughter was just diagnosed with fibromyalgia. (among other things like hyperactive nerves and overly flexible joints). She was told about 3 weeks ago....
Hello Ladies,
I am in need of assistance. I started experiencing very bad anxiety about a week ago. It was interfering with my sleep and I had experienced this b...
My son is 4 and he has been to the dentist 3 times now. All of the visits have been awful (ear splitting screaming, struggling, kicking, grabbing at tools, refusing ...