My daughter will turn 5 in mid-August, making her eligible to being K in the fall of 2009. My husband and I are unsure whether to start her or to wait another year u...
I occasionally catch myself making assumptions, dare I say *judgements* about total strangers whom I know nothing about. I really HATE it when I realize what I'm doin...
This is a site where we keep ourselves from putting our heads through drywall out of frustration, learn 1001 various tips and tricks to survive parenting &/or be bett...
HELP! We have leaks almost every night! At first we thought Seventh Generation diapers were less absorbant so we used Pampers at night, and changed him at least 1x ...
My 10 year old daughter is a sweet girl. Her teachers always tell me that she gets along well with everyone at school, although she does have some anxiety issues and...
I want to take my son to see Disney's Earth this evening. He is three and half years old and this will be his first movie theater experience. I have read a few revie...
More just for fun than super serious...My 4 year old daughter saw a car accident and got a little upset when she was driving to the shore with her dad. She called me...
SO, my question to you all is this: Do you believe that any form of Child birth is natural or only vaginal? With meds/without? In a hospital or not?
The background...
My son (nearly 15) has an opportunity to go to a Nature Conservancy sleep-away camp for a week and he absolutely refuses. He says it will be boring, and he is such a...
Does anyone have any great ideas for birthday party goody bags for 4 year olds? The party has a nature theme - they'll be going on a hike - though the goody bags don...