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Bloody Nose

B.A. asks from Norfolk

Hi, i am having a problem with my 7 year old son. He has been getting a bloody nose on a weekly basis for about 3 months now. He has had them a lot in the past but no...


Wierd Night with My 17 Month Old Daughter

L.M. asks from Detroit

I am still perplexed about my night with my daughter and was wondering if anyone as ever experienced something like this. Our evening started normal - I picked my ch...


9 Month Old Still Sleeping with Us.

J.S. asks from Barnstable

Hi - My daughter was a really great sleeper till she was about 4 months old. She started getting up all during the night and I work full time so does my husband so we...


My Baby Sleeping with Me!

J.H. asks from Dallas

Hi mama's! Okay...I have done the terrible thing! I let my precious little baby start sleeping with me. This has been going on for about 2 months now. My husband ...


I Need a New Career but Am Without a Clue

S.L. asks from New York

My new principal has sucked all the teaching out of teaching. I love my students and love seeing them learn English, but it's all about the paper work now and I have ...


Mothers Day Nightmares

T.H. asks from Denver

Okay so I come from a christian family and you dont have sex out of marraige in our family. But call me the black sheep cause I feel in love with a man (we were plan...


Looking for a New Vacuum Cleaner

G.V. asks from Buffalo

I am looking for an upright bagless vacuum cleaner. I am currently on my 4th vacuum in approximately 6 months. We have three dogs, two cats, a two year old and a tw...


New Years and Loss

T.H. asks from Kansas City

So I've been sort of dreading New Year's (along with Christmas too, but at least that's over) this year because we recently lost my 16 year old niece to suicide in Au...


JFF Pregnancy---love It or Hate It?

✤.J. asks from Dover

Another question & the answers received made me wonder if I'm weird. I loved, loved, loved being pregnant both times. Yes, the first pregnancy was scary as I wa...


3Rd Baby and Trouble with Breastfeeding, Please Help!!

R.D. asks from Richmond

Hey ladies! I'm going to make this as short and sweet as possible... I had NOOOO problem nursing my first 2 children when they were infants... this time, I feel like ...

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Answer Highlights

  • smell like maple syrup in 2 answers "... anywhere from 6-12 capsules a day - until you begin to smell like maple syrup."
  • had bloody noses in 3 answers "I had bloody noses all the time as a kid."
  • had your special mothers in 2 answers "... one you can, but regardless of how it goes you've had your special mother's ..."
  • letting babies cry in 3 answers "I do not advocate letting babies cry themselves to sleep."
  • make your day special in 2 answers "... come around, but I wouldn't really hold your breath. You make your day special ..."