My grandson is fourteen months old. He prefers a bottle to eating. At most meals it's 4 to 8 bites and then he's off and running, only to be begging for formula (bo...
My 9 month old breastfed daughter has several food intolerances/allergies (dairy, soy, and egg) so I have been on a very restricted diet. She has never taken a bottl...
Hi ladies,
I recently reduced my pumping and have incorporated formula. Problem is that my daughter of almost 10 mo. does not like the formula. I am told it is a b...
my 3 months old is having problems with formula he is now on the alumitim $25.+ a can its very expense and its not helping he feed every 3 hrs and seem to still be hu...
Hiya Moms,
My 9 mth lil guy stopped taking his bottle. Had his wellness check up yesterday and the Ped said to go ahead and try whole milk. Well, I tried that, mixin...
My baby is 8 months, for about the last month he has refused to take a bottle. He is mainly breastfed and only gets a bottle when I am at work. He has refused the b...
Dear Moms,
I have a 13 month old son who will be 14 months on July 1st. Since he was newborn, he had to drink Similac Alimentum. However, now that he is 1 years ...
I just had my daughter in February. She is a little over a month now and up until Friday, I was almost exclusively breastfeeding and pumping. There were times when I ...
Hello Wonderful Moms
I need help..
I have been breastfeeding since my daughter was born. Now she is 6 months and don't take bottle at nights. (it's only at night ti...
My 7 week old baby refuses to take a bottle. I have been nursing exclusively since she was born and I have never given her a pacifier. We have been trying to bottle...