I need suggestions for what type/brand of double stroller to purchase. My son will be 2 1/2 when baby #2 arrives this summer, so I need a stroller that will hold an i...
My daughter is 12 yrs old and has struggled with greasy hair for a couple yrs now . I have swithched shampoo's and conditioners and did straight viniagar but still l...
Dear All,
My 3YO son has goregeous copper curls. The issue is he will let me wet his hair, but will not let me use soap/shampoo. He is a reasonable little person and...
My 16 month old daughter has really unmanageable curly hair, and it doesn't help that we also live in Florida so there's humidity!
Is there anything I might be abl...
At what age do boys typically start wearing deodorant? My son is 11 and I haven’t noticed body odor yet but he is very active. What is a good brand of deodorant t...
I'm looking into some learning DVD's, if you've used: Baby's First Impressions® or Brainy Baby DVD's or if there's another type of learning video that you've used an...
I saw some really cute handmade invitations on Etsy.com and never used this site before and was wondering if anybody bought anything off this site and what they think...
My son is now 9 and 1/2 month old. He loves and is so excited to see the light on the refrigerator, the turn-on microwave (the light of minutes when we turn the micro...
I have long thick curly hair and it always tangles badly. I shower everyday and when I get out of the shower it has huge knots in it. It takes me about 15 minutes ju...
I am due to have a mixed race (african american & white) little girl in Feb. I have started to stress out because, I don't know how to take care of nappy hair. I know...