My daughter is 3 months and 2 weeks old and weighs about 14lbs. She sleeps between 5 and 8 hours a night, but nurses frequently during the day. I breastfeed and giv...
i would really love for my triplets to have breast milk in the begining since it is so important for their immune systems and they will be premature and need any extr...
I have been trying to wean my son off the breast for almost 3 months now, I am having trouble getting him to take a bottle on his own. Right now I only nurse at bedti...
Hi, we were going to buy an electric, but spent too much on the baby clothes and decor. So now I have this manual one. The baby isn't born yet, but I heard you could ...
I had my daughter 5 days ago and am experiencing breast engorgement. I have tried heat, ice, pumping, and frequent nursing. I have been able to take care of the engor...
Hi all,
I need to get a breast pump because I will return to working full time after maternity leave. I don't know anything about pumps, but I do know some of the th...
My 3 month old is breast fed and refuses to take a bottle. She only wants me. For personal reasons I want to bottle feed with formula. What can I do other then let...
OK...I want to breastfeed by baby and use a pump to express milk for my husband to help out with night feedings and such. Years ago when my daughter was born I had to...
Anyone know how long you can keep breast milk that was frozen in the fridge? I'm using it to mix with solids so I'm only using a small amount at a time. Thank you!
My three month old son has been diagnosed with acid reflux since he was 6 weeks old. He was on ranitidine for 5 weeks, with the dosage increased from 0.6 ml to 1.5 ml...