My grandson is a very bright, affectionate little boy. Recently I've noticed he does not respond to his name. At first we thought it was because he had so many nickna...
Our son is 2 years old has been calling his father by his first name and refuses to say Daddy. The first couple of times we thought he was just practising his vocabu...
Hello again All,
I am looking for suggestions on how I can gently tell my mother that she continually spells our daughter's name incorrectly. I always make sure th...
When I was 14 my father died. I have always wanted to name my son after him, to honor my father. When my son was born we named his first name after my father-in-law...
I was just wondering if anyone has any suggestions on something I can get for my 13 yo daughter as a gift for when the baby comes. I'm scheduled to deliver the day af...
hello! i'm within a week of delivering a baby boy (we have 2 girls at home named Jordan and Kelsey) and am in the final stages of picking a name. any thoughts on ei...
Any suggestions on how to tell a pre-teen stepdaughter shes going to be a big sis? (shes been waiting for this day for a long time, I really want to make it special f...
Do any of you know a place near McKinney/Frisco/North Plano where I can have my son's name put on his napmat and possibly his everyday backpack? I have used a shop i...
Hi there all you amazing moms. I need your best recommendations for a thoughtful and inexpensive gift idea to give my Mom this Christmas. I'm recently divorced with...
I am due Wednesday and we still don't have any ideas on girls names. We have a few boys names we like, but nothing for girls.
Where did you guys go to look or any...