My grandson is 8 weeks old and has terrible gas. If it weren't for this problem he'd be such a happy baby. What has anyone had sucess with? Mylanta baby? He also ...
I'm 7 months pregnant and my 2 year old doesn't listen to me she wants every thing her way. When she doesn't she will cry for hours and wont stop. I'm afraid she does...
We have a baby boy who will be 3 weeks in two days. He has been a very easy, sleepy baby until two days ago. Since then he has become a fussy, colicky little guy. I...
I am a proud mother of two beautiful children, a daughter who is 7, and a 2 year old son, who will be 3 in August. My daughter is happy, friendly, and outgoing, and d...
I am a soon to be mom and I am overwhelmed by the books on both the first year of the baby's life and on sleep. Can you please suggust the onces you find the most he...
Anyone have any recommendations on a good bottle to use with a baby that has acid reflux? She doesn't necessarily spit up but has a hard time eating and cries when sh...