My grandson has Autism and is almost 4 years old. I would like any ways that you have done to potty train your child. He is saying several words on his own as well as...
My daughter is about 2 years and 5 months and she does not want to potty train. When i have he wear big girl panties she is happy, but will pee on the floor and even...
My daughter turned 2 in October, she isn't talking very well yet but we are trying to potty train her. She has peed in the potty once and pooped twice but those were...
My son just turned 3 and decided he was ready to potty train. So, I have been dilligently trying to work with him to potty train him for just over two weeks. How lo...
My son is 3 1/2 yrs old and does not want to potty train. He knows how to use the potty because when I tell him to go he does it, but just wont do it on his own. I ...
We have a 26 month old little girl who is showing interest in going potty on the potty. I bought her some Dora Pull-Ups and she loves wearing them. She goe...
My son is 28 months old, he has been showing interest in using the potty, he tells me he has too pee, but when we go and sit on the potty he will NOT do anything. We ...
My son is 2 years old (turned 2 in October) and I'm unsure about how to get him more interested in potty training. A few weeks before he turned 2 he started peeing on...
I am in the process of potty training my 2 year-old. We got the potty and the pull-ups. She loves to sit on the potty but, she won't actually "go potty". I've tried e...
I have a 14 year old son and an 11 year old daughter and they were easy to potty train. One day at the age of two for both. Now I have two year old twins (3 in June...