Night Waking & Crying: Infant, Munchkin

Results 1-10 from 148 articles

Infant Asthma

S.B. asks from Washington DC

My almost 5 month old son has been wheezing for about a month now. Our pediatrician tried several meds but they didn't really help much, so he sent us to a pediatric...


Feeding Solid Foods

J.C. asks from Portland

I am curious about people's experience in introducing solids to their baby. I have a seven month old who is not really interested in food. I have been trying to fee...


Formula Feeding My Baby, HELP!

K.L. asks from San Diego

We are expecting our first baby very soon, and I am in need of help in figuring out the whole formula/bottle thing. I had breast surgery five years ago, and won't be...


Whats a Good Feeding Schedule?

A.A. asks from Chicago

just wanted to check in and see what ppl's day looked like esply with eating (and what foods), how much milk a day, and sleep schedules? we just got back from the ped...


Infant Constipation

J.S. asks from Tampa

Do all 6 month olds (or infants) have constipation? It seems that my 6 month old daughter who I have breastfed since birth is now getting some solids in her feeding ...


Why Does My 6Wk Old Choke So Bad While Feeding? She Looks like She's Drowning.

L.Q. asks from Los Angeles

Hello, this is my first post ever so I hope i'm doing this right, I'm desperate for an answer. I exclusively breast feed and thought I had an overactive letdown refle...


Help with Feeding My 2 Month Year Old Rice Cereal!!

R.W. asks from Sarasota

Hello,i need help desperately. My 8 wek old daughter has acid reflux and was prescribes nutramigen formula and rice cereal in every feeding. My problem is i cannot fi...


Frequent Night Nursing

A.D. asks from Minneapolis

For the first twelve months of her life I lived under the delusion that my daughter would turn 1 and would automatically wean herself from breasfeeding. It turns out ...


Bottle Feeding Advice

L.L. asks from Los Angeles

Hi, I have a 3 month old boy. we have been doing a combo breastfeeding/formula up until 2 months and a half... Now suddenly as I go back to work, he is refusing to ...


Questions About Bottle Feeding

M.H. asks from Dallas

I am having a baby in a couple of weeks and I am planning on breastfeeding, but I will eventually have to go back to work and my day care provider will need to bottle...