Hello L., OMG I went through the exact thing. I am a 32 y/o first time mom and when my daughter was about to turn 12 weeks old the colic stopped. WOOHOO!!! I was extremely happy. Then one day, she refused the bottle. At first I thought it was because she was not hungry. Then after a couple of more hours and the "i'm hungry screaming" I tried again. I too was breastfeeding and bottlefeeding breastmilk and formula. Low and behold she would not take anything anymore in a bottle. Not even breastmilk which she had been doing fine. I tried everything from not feeding her for hours (yes I was told...if she is hungry she will eat). I did this a couple of times up to 8 hours :( and nothing. Not even a suck on the bottle. She just wanted the breast. After discussing this with her pediatrician and another pediatricain, I was told that it would pass and to try different bottles, nipples, even formulas. I even got the, "she's a smart girl...she only wants the good stuff". Well I tried every, I mean EVERY bottle, nipple, and formula out there. Including not being in the same room when it was time for her feeding as I had been advised. Nothing came about this but a huge bag full of feeding equipment, frustration from me, and anxiety because I too was going to be heading back to work. Luckily, I was able to get an extended paid leave from work and used up all of my Baby Bonding Time until she was about six months old. She still did not take anything but the breast. At four months old I was able to supplement a few breastfeedings with "solids" including fruits, vegetables, rice cereal, etc. I started with rice cereal. At 6 months I had too go back to work but decided to go part time. Two days a week, for 2 months, my daughter was brought to me at lunch time by my mother-in-law so that I could breastfeed her. At this point, she was ok with a breastfeed before going to work, at lunch, and before bedtime. What helped was that she started sleeping through the night at 4 months in her crib. Well, out of the blue, the week she was to turn 8 months old, I decided to try and give her a bottle...she took it. I did not breastfeed her again after that because I did not want to go backwards again. Of course I pumped for a couple of weeks just in case, but I did not have to go beyond that. My daughter is now 16 months old and let me tell you, just writing about this brings me back to this experience and gives me a bit of anxiety. The point of this long, detailed story is that this too shall pass. When and how is up to your baby. I tried everything, everyone's advise etc, but ultimately, I realised some babies will just do what they are going to do. Try giving a little bit of cereal now that he is 3 months old. Even if you have to spoon feed (which I also had to do). Good luck to you and your prescious one. Both you and your son will figure it out...someday!