My daughter is turning 4 next month. She's been riding a trike for 2 years now and we want to move on. I've heard great things about balance bikes or gliders, bur m...
At what age should I be pushing no training wheels on my son. Should I even push it at all. My son is five almost 6 and he isn't really interested in riding bikes b...
Hi everyone,
I'm just curious. . . what age did your kids (or most kids) learn to:
1. Swim. I don't mean just float, or swim with floaties, but actually be able to...
I am thinking about getting my son a bike without pedals, since he still does not have the hang of the pedals on his tricycle, and it is frustrating for him.
I fou...
My son will be 3 in July. In May, we are having another little boy. I am taking some of the advice I've seen given here before, and planning to have a gift "from th...
Hello moms,
I have been a faithful reader everyday on the digest learning from the moms on this great website. (Thank you very much.) So I naturally thought of yo...
My 6 year old is very independent but struggling. I suspect this is actually quite normal.
Do you think it's ok that a 6 year old is still learning this skill?
Hi All,
Admittedly, I am a HUGE with that being said, we are taking the kids to our local amusement park tomorrow and this is the first time that ...
Hey moms,
My eight year old son is starting the 3rd grade in less than a week. I have always driven him to school and picked him up. The problem is that I have a 6 1...
My husband and I are gearing up for our first road trip with the kids in 3 weeks. We usually fly, but it is so much cheaper to drive and money is tight. I was looki...