Health: Child, Huggies

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15 answers

Swine Flu: Travel with My 11 Month Old?

I am scheduled to fly to Dallas Texas this Sunday with my 11 month old son on my lap and I'm very nervous about flying with him. I realize that I can personally take percaustions but I'm not certain I can keep my son from touching everything and then keep his fingers out of his mouth. I can easily postpone my trip until this swine flu has stabalized..what do you moms think?

Illnesses & Symptoms

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9 answers

Huggies Overnights Question

OK, My son has been in Huggies Overnights for two years now and they have always been great. We recently started putting him the Size 6 and they are no longer working! They get so full that not only do they leak, but they bust open causing that crystal type stuff to go all over him and his bed. It's awful. We have to bathe him every morning now. Has anyone had this problem? Could we just have a bad batch and I should buy a new box and try again? Has anyone got any other recommendations? My son is no where near being potty trained,...


Constant Runny Nose

Hi momma's since starting preschool my DS constantly has a runny nose every...

Sleeping Habits

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20 answers

6 Year Old Still Needs Pull-ups at Night

Hey everyone, I am having a problem with my 6 year old son. He still wears pull-ups at night, and my husband and I are so ready for him to be done with them!! He sleeps like a log so he never gets up to go to the bathroom. The only time he will get up and go is if he is ready to stay up. I am wondering if there is anything I can do to move this process along or do I just have to wait? Any thoughts would be appreciated. Thanks!