Clothing & Accessories: Toddler, Alimentum

33 articles

Seeking Suggestions for Clearing up Cradle Cap and Eczema

S.C. asks from Providence

My 3 month old girl has a bad case of cradle cap and I am having a hard time clearing it up. I have tried rubbing both baby oil and olive oil and scrubbing with a so...


Experience W/ Colic Calm Gripe Water ? Prevacid/Zantac Not Working

G.M. asks from Washington DC

My baby is 5 weeks old and was diagnosed a week ago with reflux (GER) which she's had probably since she was about 3-3.5 weeks old. She cries nonstop all day basical...


Seeking Advice on Baby Reflux and Prevacid

K.T. asks from Denver

Hi MOMS I have an 8 week old baby girl with silent reflux. She was first put on zantac 0.8ml twice a day. This worked for two days she was a differnt baby. After t...