We are looking for a convertible car seat for our 1-year old. The MOST important priority is safety. I would also like it to be reasonably priced. Any great suggestio...
My daughter just turned two in December. She's 38 in. tall and weighs 44 lbs. What kind of car seat should I have? Should she just be in a booster? The one we have no...
My 5 month old baby girl is 28.5 inchs long which means she is handing out of her car seat. She is taking after my 6'8" husband, I am sure my little girl is going to ...
Hi Moms,
I've heard that this is a really good, 5-point car seat for older children. It's kinda pricy, though ($250+) and since we'd have to buy 2 (2 boys) I want...
My little boy is growing out of his carrier so I need to get some new car seats. I am looking to put my 3 year old in a car seat that converts to a booster since she...
My daughter is about to turn one and my parents want to buy her forward facing car seat. There are several on sale that they are looking at. Is there a website or som...
My daughter is 18 months and weighs 30 pounds and it about 33 inches tall. We have to get a new car seat to accommodate her. We tried a Graco 3 in 1 but the crotch ...
My husband and I are traveling to San Francisco in late January and it will be cheaper for us to buy a car seat that is around $50 than to rent one from Hertz and I w...
My 5 month old is starting to outgrow his infant car seat. He weighs 17.5 oz, and is 27 1/4 inches long. I need to move on to the next car seat and have read the AA...
We are travelling to introduce our 8 month old daughter to her paternal grandparents in the UK this November. We have booked a seat for her and intend to bring a car...