My son has a severe diaper rash. He is 18 months old. It seems to get worse every day for over a week now. His skin is bleeding in several places. I have put diap...
My 20yrs. old, niece just had a son. He's 4 wks old. She is a first time single mom and she takes very good care of him, but she has a few concerns. Please HELP!!!
My daughter has been sick since she started daycare at 5 months old. She started out with a very bad cold that lasted 2 1/2 weeks. It then turned into an ear infectio...
Hey 17 month old has struggled with what I thought was diaper rash for several weeks. We went to the doctor several days ago and she was diagnosed with a ...
My son has a little spot of eczema on his face so from the advise I have seen out there I shouldn't bath him everyday. Unfortunately he loves his night time routine ...
I have a 13 month old son who has had lots of problems with asthma. The first time he was hospitalized for it he was only 7 weeks old and it has been an on going batt...
My 1 1/2 year old little boy has severe eczema. It is all over his body and he scratches himself until he bleeds. The pediatrician has given me several different crea...
My 9 month old daughter has a rash in her diaper area that I cannot seem to clear up. I've tried Desitin, Butt Paste, A&D, Resinol, you name it. She went to the docto...
My daughter has had a pretty bad case of an ear infection. Well the medication she is on is causing diarrhea, which lead to a diaper rash/yeast infection. My question...
My son started getting rashes on his skin around 3 months. I've taken him to the doctor twice. The first time they told me it was execma and to put lotion on him to...