I have a 5 year old grandson who gets mad at his siblings for no particular reason. His mom and dad are seperated. After he's been at his dad's house, he is a comple...
My 5 year old came home today with literally 10-15 bug bites all over his body. How do I prevent bugs from getting to him? Is there a safe, natural way???
My older sister has three kids 13 yr old girl, 12 yr old girl, and a 5 year old boy. In my opinion these kids have way too much privledges (especially the girls) an...
I've heard about how this is possible, but I'm trying to differentiate this behavior from possible issues.
I am always on the lookout for signs of attachment issue...
My 19-month-old daughter seems to have developed a fascination with pinching my 5-year-old daughter on the arm, and then watching her to see her reaction. I wouldn't...
My four year old son has been in his preschool since August. He initially loved it, but lately he never wants to go. Even on days he's not scheduled to attend he te...
My son is 3-1/2 years old and in preschool. He was bit today by another child at school. The bite is SUBSTANTIAL, broke the skin, and is swollen. I have spoke in d...
My daughter is 14 months old and recently at daycare she will cry whenever any other child cries or laughs or they are near her. She never does this when I am around...
This may be long and I apologize in advance. I have a sister in law. Well actually I have 4! (one is in this group too!) But this one SIL that I have is....well....ha...
My youngest son will be three in October. He has a bitting problem! It started when he started at daycare and he was bitten by another child. Then it was downhill f...